Where is our Peace?

Welcome to the last month of this year lovingly called the month we celebrate Christmas.  It comes in earlier and earlier as the box stores begin to put out their decorations and the radio stations begin to play Christmas songs way before the Thanksgiving turkeys are even in the store to buy.  Why the rush?  I have a theory. 

The first Christmas the angels came and said to the shepherds who were watching their sheep out in the fields that night “Peace on earth and good will toward men”.  We long to feel the peace those shepherds felt that night.  So the earlier we start, the longer we can feel the peace that seems to come this time of the year.  This world and this city we live in needs this peace more now than anytime before.  Once again St. Louis is given the title of the most dangerous city in America.  One reason we have no peace is that we don’t see each other anymore.  We look past people and only focus on our little world and our needs. 

I was walking Hobbes downtown and I came across a scene that is repeated all too many times in our city.  We were coming home from city park and a man was feeding the meter for his car he had just parked.  A homeless women came to him and asked for some money so she could get something to eat.  He just ignored her.  I get it.  I am asked for handouts almost on a daily basis.  But that scene caused me to pause and wonder why we have money to feed the parking meters but none to feed those in need around us?  I find no fault in the man that didn’t respond to her because I have been that person who gave nothing to the one in front of me asking for money many times.  Our peace, in many ways, begins when we seek to bring peace to those around us.  The trouble is that we are so consumed with our needs and our world that we forget Jesus came to save the world.  You know the verse John 3:16 “For God so loved the world…..” It is the  world he came for which includes the person standing in front of you whacked out on drugs, homeless, smelling of urine.  He is part of the reason Jesus came.  So this Christmas I encourage you find someone less fortunate and bring them a gift of love.  Spread this peace we have inside of us. After all it was given to us for that very reason.       

May God bless you this Christmas and may His peace abound to you and your family through out this season and into 2023.