He Chose Us!

Great is the Lord and He is worthy to be praised!  He has brought us all into another year.  I am excited about what he has planned for us as a family.  This year is going to be one for the books, for sure.  So, buckle up and get ready for the ride of your life!

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC

Following Jesus should be just that, a sense of excitement.  Church has been labeled as boring.  Well, if that is what one thinks, its only because they haven’t been in one that is alive.  We serve Jesus Christ the one who calms the storms, the one who raises the dead, the one who heals blind eyes, the one who heals the lame, the one who gives eternal life.  Any of the above mentioned sound boring to you?  Even though many are a little sad because Christmas has come and gone, our joy comes from him and not a holiday.  I was with Maria at Walmart recently and the line to return gifts seemed as long as the line at six flags waiting to get on the latest ride.  They all were ready to exchange or return the gift they had received.  The gift was broken or damaged in some way or they just didn’t want it for whatever reason. It made me think that even though I was broken and damaged he still chose me.  Unlike the world who only wants the best and brightest, He chooses the weak and foolish.  As John chapter 15 points out “You have not chosen me, but I have chosen you.”  Him choosing us would be like someone going into Walmart and selecting the product that nobody wants, and the product is broken at the start.  Still, he says, “I’ll take that one.”  To which the Walmart helper would say “But sir it’s damaged, its broken and nobody is wants it. In other words, sir it’s of no use to anyone.”  Jesus would respond “Not to me. I’ll take him.”  What a Savior! I am so glad he chooses us in our sins and then washes them away with his blood.  He pours in the balm of Gilead and heals every hurt we have.  He then proceeds to love us and calls us his own.  I know boring, but that my friend is not boring.  I know love and that is love. Let’s serve him with everything we got this year. Should Jesus tarry, let us come to the end of 2024 with nothing in the tank, having given our all to Jesus.  Let us live our lives unto him who keeps us even though there are still imperfections in us. 

Now unto Him be glory in the church!