Running into His Arms

I was walking Hobbes our dog the other day and we ran across a scene that just totally blessed the socks off me.  As we approached the street we were to turn on to head back home there had pulled up about seven cars.  They had all parked on one side of the street. I wondered what all the cars parked on the side with people inside them were doing.  They were waiting for something to happen or for someone.  I knew it wasn’t Hobbes and me they were waiting to see. As we got closer to them, a school bus appeared and made it’s routine stop.  The door opened and out came the children.  There was no need to have someone direct them to their parents for they all knew where to go.  One father got out of his car and was waiting for his child.  A little boy ran out of the bus shouting “Dad!” to which his father fell on one knee with his hands extended.  The little guy ran into the embrace of his dad so hard I thought he might knock his dad down.  I could not help but think of the day the prodigal son returned home to his father in Luke’s gospel.  Was their reunion like the one I had just experienced?  I am not sure, but this little boy, after being away from his dad for just a day, ran into his arms as though it had been years.  I want that with my Heavenly Father.  I want to have the same passion for time I spend with Him.  The joy and love that father and son shared that afternoon was priceless.  I pray that we all fall more and more in love with him, and learn to come to him as a child.  He is waiting for us, he stands with his hands extended to embrace us and to wipe away every tear we might have. 

This month we celebrate the resurrection as well as his suffering on the cross on Good Friday.  His death on the cross was Him extending his arms to embrace us.  Let us come to him and worship him for he alone is worthy.

Running into His arms,