Passing on the Faith

March is here and I don’t know about you but I do think we are marching to somewhere.  These temperatures would say we are marching to summer and that we will skip spring.  Nevertheless, spring will come before summer, of that I am sure.  This month we celebrate the Lord’s resurrection!  All the services leading up to that life-changing event will be special so be sure not to miss a one!

Speaking of not missing a meeting, I had a meeting with my mom and my sister that I could not miss.  It was to finalize Mom’s will.  When you prepare a will and testament you are acknowledging there is an expiration date for you.  You are preparing to leave this world and embrace what is next.  And for us Christians what is next is what we have been longing for, as the apostle Paul put it, “To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord”.  None the less there are some things you want to leave with your loved ones when you leave this world.  Thus, a will and testament are done to outline what you want to leave and to who you want to receive these certain things.  In my mom’s case, she has gathered some jewelry and a few rings she wants to pass on.  Each one had a special place in her heart and each one brought back certain memories.  I didn’t make that particular list for obvious reasons and I was glad I didn’t because I really had no need or desire for one of my mom’s rings.  There was another list of things that my mom was passing on to the next generation that the attorney didn’t even mention, and it was that list my name was on.  It was a legacy passed on from my grandparents to my mom and now she was passing it on to her children.  It was her faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.  Now of all the things that were in her will, the most precious procession had not even been named… her faith.  It is this she has passed on to all her kids, grandchildren and great-grand babies.  It is her most prized procession. It is the same faith that Timothy’s grandmother Lois, and mother Eunice passed on to him.  Receiving this precious faith from my mom years before she will go home it is what I hold most dear.  My only hope is that when I pass from this life to the next, that same faith will live on through my son, daughter and grandchildren.  Our faith is eternal and so are the promises it gives.  For all the promises in God are yea and amen!

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